Gelatin lumps in sperm
Gelatin lumps in sperm


Hopefully this information is useful to all of you. I did some searching on the internet when I noticed my jelly-like discharge and did not find anything that was particularly useful. I am very thankful my cyst was caught early and removed. While not a fun experience, it is not that big of a deal either. In my case, I'm homebound for ~10 days with a catheter. The doctor will cut out the portion of the bladder around the cyst and will also remove the "urachal remnants" so the subsequent cysts do not form. However, I'd strongly encourage you to see a specialist and get checked out. Cysts are much more likely to be benign in young people, like those who have posted on this forum. These cancers are particularly aggressive, meaning a cyst should be removed if it is found so that a cancer does not form. Urachal cysts are very serious growths and need to be removed surgically because the cysts tend to turn malignant (ie, they tend to turn into cancers) and form a urachal cancer. If not, I'd suggest seeing a different urologist. A urologist, however, should know what it is.


As a result, primary care physicians and other medical professionals may not have even heard of it (my primary care doctor had not heard of it), much less have any idea how to diagnose it. Keep in mind that a urachal cyst is a very, very rare condition. However, if you've been to a primary care doctor and he/she ruled out other possibilities (e.g., a urinary tract infection or an STD), I encourage you to visit a urologist. Now, I'm there are other conditions that could result in jelly being passed in urine. Subsequent pathology confirmed the cyst was benign and had not turned into cancer. The surgery was performed using the da Vinci, a minimally invasive robotic surgery system. I then had the cyst removed laparascopically. I then went for a CT to determine the size of the cyst. A urologist first found the cyst during a cystoscopy. My particular cyst was draining through the bladder, giving the jelly-like discharge in my urine. These cysts may drain either through the belly button or into the bladder, although that symptom is not always present. These rare cysts generally can form between the urachus (a specific part of the bladder) and the the umbilicus (your innards underneath your belly button). Doctors very recently diagnosed me with a urachal cyst. The jelly did not always come out at the beginning or the end of my urine stream, but rather came out at seemingly random times.

gelatin lumps in sperm

It ranged in color from clear to a reddish-brown. The material was denser than water, as it sunk to the bottom of the water in the toilet. I was passing a jelly-like substance in my urine, but had no pain. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.I am a 28 year old male who had a symptom similar to that described by the 19 year old female, although I was not feeling physically sick. By using this Site you agree to the following Terms and Conditions. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site.


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Gelatin lumps in sperm